Monday, August 1, 2011

A big breach male pup came in second

While Lasya's pup Misa was certainly in a tearing hurry to get born first and coming breach (feet first) she didn't continue to show any signs of being in a hurry. She left that to the second pup born five minutes after her at 1.35pm which was a male although it took us a couple of days to figure out any of the pups' sex.

Weighing in at 185gms this was the biggest of the pups and caused Lasya immense pain with breach birth. I named him Rinchen Norbu which in Tibetan means Precious Gem. Despite being affected by diarhea along with the rest of the litter he remained the biggest in size and quickly doubled his birth weight.

Since all the puppies looked like little brown rats colour coded tagging was a brilliant idea and I'll remain eternally grateful to the bright person who first came up with it.

I tagged Rinchen with red wool later changing it to a red ricrac ribbon and the little red devil lived up to his ID with all the pranks he could get into!

Rinchen was also the most aggressive and dominant of the pups and I had to take all precautions to make sure that he never got too close to his sire Simba who is wary of untrained or unpredictable dogs.

Rinchen went to his adoptive mother as a gift from her boyfriend on the day he turned 3 months-old and was renamed as Akki. This was the first of Lasya's pups to actually leave and when she realized that I came home without him she started to get a bit agitated but I managed to quickly distract her; which is quite easy to do with Lasya I must say. Misa (see previous post) went to my neighbour and friend and was slowly and gradually separated from her mother and litter-mates so I was worried too about Rinchen settling into his new home.

When I heard that this little brat was being just as spoiled as Misa it tickled me pink but here's how much the little guy is loved - his owner has moved to the US for a while and she wouldn't leave him behind. So Rinchen, now Akki, lives somewhere in America for now at least and I was happy to have him visit one evening before he left our shores. Happy 1st Birthday little-big guy!

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