Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lasya's sixth pup Tashi a surprise gift!

Tashi Skamar is Lasya's sixth pup which was totally unexpected and caught me unprepared! Lasya  had shown a litter of five pups in two sonography tests during her pregnancy, which according to the Vet was a big litter going by the size of a Lhasa Apso dam.

On the afternoon of Monday 2nd August 2010, after the fifth pup Mishi was whelped I cleaned up Lasya and her whelping bed - discarded her soiled mattress and the old towels covering it. And then almost an hour after Mishi was born Lasya began pushing out again and I panicked. I called up the Vet and he congratulated me on this surprise pup which he said would bring good luck!

Tashi means Lucky or good luck/auspicious/prosperity in Tibetan language and Skamar means Star. What else could I name this little one but Tashi Skamar - Lucky Star!

A female pup, Tashi came in at exactly 4.05pm, weighing 160gms. Except for Mishi who weighed 145gms all the female pups (including Misa and Lucy) had the same birth weight. With the last three pups normally whelped and with intervals, Lasya now had time to look around and clean each pup as I held them up for her. Tashi was tagged with pink wool while the pup Mishi whelped before her was tagged with light blue wool.

Usually in a large litter there is always a chance of losing a few pups since they'll be jostling for space inside the dam's womb and at feeding time. Some pups invariably get short-changed on their nutritional needs and attention.

As the runt of the litter I was worried about losing Tashi and kept a close eye on her but she turned out to be a true fighter and would race to Lasya at feed time to find the juiciest teat! She fought well to push her way through the crowd and even push away some of the other pups after they'd had a chance.

Tashi grew to be the chubbiest and furriest of all the pups; she soon became the favourite with my neighbour's kids Rehaan and Esha with whom the puppies took their first steps of socialization. Tashi was nicknamed Princess by Rehaan who till date loves and misses her.

This popular little puppy was also momma Lasya's favourite as she seemed to have inherited all her mischievous qualities. As soon as the pups were weaned Lasya began playing with them and training them. But watching Lasya and Tashi together was a pleasure - they were almost like sisters!

With Misa having left our home very early (she lives in my complex and would visit almost daily to join play sessions) Tashi ruled the roost as the naughtiest pup. Diki (Lucy) was quieter but more aggressive while Mishi tried her best to become invisible so that the others would leave her alone!

Princess Tashi reclining on my duvet!

Then came the day just before Christmas in December 2010 when I found a loving home for Tashi. When her prospective Momma came to see her and the family it was love at first sight - for Hetal and Lasya! Hetal asked Lasya for permission to take Tashi, promising to take good care of her and Lasya wagged her tail and gave her a lick! We said goodbye that night itself with a little care package containing kibble, a bowl and a couple of toys until she could get to a store the next morning. We passed on this little 'lucky charm' and the little princess continues to hold court in her own home now spreading the magic of doggie love and joy.

A week late wishing you but... Happy Birthday Tashi!

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