Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Third pup Yeshe whelped breach

Lasya had a tough but quick whelping with her third pup Yeshe, the second male weighing 182gms born ten minutes after the first one at 1.40pm. The first three pups - Misa, Akki and Yeshe came out breach (feet first) within five minutes of each other and while Lasya wasn't in trauma she was in a lot of pain. Also, with each new pup being followed with labor pain she was focusing on pushing them out rather than cleaning the newborns.

I was told by the Vet and other breeders that I just needed to be with her for moral support and she would do everything by herself but on that day I was thankful for having found whelping videos on YouTube which showed the breeder cleaning up the newborn pups and even cutting the umbilical cords; I was prepared for this event but had to overcome my own nervousness to help her calmly by cleaning the first three pups.

Yeshe was tagged with Navy blue wool for colour coding and his complete name is Yeshe Chogyal - which is The Wise King in Tibetan.

                                          Yeshe's profile pictures taken at 6 weeks

This little pup soon discovered a friend in Rehaan, my young neighbor and would crawl across his baby bed and even fly into Rehaan's hands every time he visited after coming home from school. This special friendship continues till date with both Rehaan and his younger sister Esha as seen in pictures in earlier posts.

Yeshe has always been a sleepyhead and can sleep through any amount of noise and distraction - he even sleeps through the noise created by firecrackers during festivals, thankfully since my older Lhasa Apso  Simba and even Lasya tremble at the slightest bit of firecracker noise!

I decided to keep back Yeshe as he showed Dog Show potential with the perfect body structure and temperament. He has also turned out to be the lightest in coloring.

Yeshe is also probably the most mischievous of Lasya's pups having taken after his dam. This little joker is also ready to challenge his sire Simba and any other dogs in the locality including a Siberian Husky in my complex! Happy Birthday Fly Boy! 

1 comment:

  1. naughtiest but second cutest dog in the world after mishi.
